Practice. > Ground.

Etching and monotype on tyvek, shot with arrows
18" x 18"

This etching is one of 28 Olympic archery targets hand-printed on Tyvek. Created from a single copper plate that transformed over a two year period, they are printed in color on both sides. The copper plate went through significant transformation. This image is the final state at state 16.

Archery as a practice is technical, much like etching. While safety and rigor are akin to both, the methodical process of each and unlikely outcomes become points of meditation and contemplation. The 28 targets will be shot in the Idaho Desert over the course of a lunar month. The shot targets emanate light through the arrow piercings. Unframed and hung slightly away from the wall, the vibrant color from the back of the etchings glow around each target. Sometimes bold but more often subtle and meditative, the work seeks to generate focus and inner peace.