• Reading at Ming Studios January 12, 2025

    Reading at Ming Studios January 12, 2025

    What: A reading
    When: 7pm MST, Sunday, January 12, 2025, doors 6:30
    Where: Ming Studios
    Cost: $7 cover, free to Ming Members

    I will be reading, The Hollow, a story I’ve been working on for the past three months. This work both unravels and stitches together various periods of time and specific incidents in my life.

    In seeking to understand and express my unique human experience, I usually do this as a practicing visual artist, working with my ideas through the materials and matter related to printmaking. Since 2021, I’ve been a student of conflict management, learning about and seeking to understand conflict and its role internally and in relationship with others. This is a leap into new and uncharted waters for me.

    Content Warning ***
    Descriptions of sexual assault and mortal injury from burns
    No minors please.

  • Shed Exhibition, Center for the Visual Arts, Boise State University, October 2023, 11-noon M-F

    I'm honored to have the project Shed, amplified in high resolution digital projections at the Stein Luminary that magnify its scale and envelope the viewer. The lace-like, delicate structure that is Shed transforms into a kelp-like blue forest of family trees.

    To be able to experience the improvisational music of the Alex Sjobeck Duo with Yurek Hansen dancing among the kelp forest truly shifted and expanded my perception of Shed's power and potential. Your dance and music embodied what has been an intensive, microscopic meditation and desire to express and morphed it into a scale that could entangle, dwarf, overwhelm, ignite, drown shelter, harbor, strangle or protect.

    With much Gratitude. October 8, 2023

  • In Victoria Chang's poem, Starlight,1962, she eloquently expresses the importance of zooming out to gain perspective. “Suppose the stars are just our grief reflected back to us, proof that grief sometimes forgets its source. That it can find dead things no matter how distant. Everyone arrives one day and asks, is this it?”

    I’ve found myself asking this for a while.The reorganization of this website is one attempt to zoom out. Viewing my work from the vantage point of starlight, varied streams of thought continually converge and diverge. Some of the streams are trauma and healing, social justice and conservation, identity and memory, community, collection and story. While seemingly disparate, they braid together like a vast river or locks of hair, merging, blending, growing and flooding. My grief, shame, pain, hope and love flow through the braided streams. While clear articulation in words often fails, the essence resides in the traces of my hand flowing into, over and through the material.

  • about

    You can read Jill's interview on color and Printmaking:

    Reflections on Color

    Interview about Etching into Existence